Having Jacqui Smith in the Home Office is an interesting experiment for me personally, because it is kind of a laboratory test for if my mother ever got any kind of political power. A smiling, puritanical (hypocritical) bitch with a fascistic streak. You see the same kind of matriarchs ruling over internet chatrooms; selectively prudish, lauding their giggling hugglefucked superiority over others, where the height of wit is the slapdown of some middle-aged guy trying to get his end away. If we ever get a collection of these frigid, passive-agressive, emotionally retarded fuckwits in positions of power, then run for your lives, because their efforts to clense society will make previous blood-caked revolutionary clensings look like a cake walk.

Here’s a news story covering Jacqui’s latest proclamations of shock.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith says it is unacceptable for parents not to know what their children are up to at night.

Maybe we should all be tagged, or better still sedated on an evening. The thing is my parents always know where I am, or at least where I want them to think I am, but unless they follow me out of the house with surveillance equipment, they are unlikely to know where I actually end up with whom. This is all relating to an initiative called Operation StaySafe seemingly, designed to round up pissed up teens to prevent them from falling into criminality or being exploited by seedy geezers straight out of Dickens.

Police spotted scores of teenagers who were drunk, abusing drugs or had nowhere to stay. They encountered large groups behaving anti-socially, and children being out far too late without an adult.

Oh no. Rome is burning and the parents are fiddling…err… that doesn’t sound right! Anyway, you know what I mean, biggest threat to civilisation is bunches of feral teenagers shouting ‘Oi cuntface’ at old ladies and getting inebriated or stoned down the local park or shopping centre. Demonstrating the kind of veiled speech so common amongst our politicians Jacqui opines:

“But there are too many who think it is acceptable to allow their child to stay out late where they may be vulnerable to becoming victims of crime or committing crime.”

We are really helping this rabble of uncouth little monsters by getting them to bed by eight because otherwise they might end up being victims or be coaxed into criminal acts. Politicians these days always strike me as those teachers who try so hard to be ‘down with the kids’ that you end up losing all respect for them. Jacqui Smith is the kind of politician that would recommend controlled vomiting areas, “Look we understand that young people like to drink, but we are just asking that they throw up in the bins in the allocated areas, where it can be whisked off to be recycled for school dinners.” We understand you young people, and we are not saying it is your fault, but it kind of is, and when its not, it must be your parents.

Let us not forget that this moralising bitch is the same one who is herself being investigated for irregularities in her expense claims. Seems that perhaps, she has not exactly been so clear about where she has been spending her nights either.

X- Lon -X